Authors and Network Test Experts
Network certification test prep can be difficult. Learn from certified experts. Our authors are experts in network certification: CCNA, Cisco, CompTIA, AWS, Routing & Switching, TetraNoodles and more. Courses come with a pass guarantee. And if you want to study 1:1 with an expert, try one of our bootcamps. Learn more about our authors, contact AlphaPrep today.
Wendell Odom
Wendell first entered the world of TCP/IP back in 1990, when TCP/IP began to replace proprietary protocols in corporate networks, supporting IBM's new TCP/IP products, routers, and LAN products while still at IBM.
Neil Anderson
Since 2007 my main focus has been delivery of Cloud and Data Center technical training and development of course content for large enterprise and service provider customers such as NetApp, Cisco, Verizon and IBM.
David Hucaby
CCIE No. 4594, is a network engineer for a large university healthcare network based on Cisco wireless products. David has bachelor's and master's degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Kentucky.
Online trainer since 2008. Passionate about helping others. Highly motivated and enthusiastic towards certifications. Cisco and CompTIA certified.
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