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What is Alphaprep?
keyboard_arrow_downAnswer:Alphaprep is an online testing software designed to adapt to the student's current level. Alphaprep is unique because it generates unique exams from a large database of questions and at the same time allows students to take questions that are not too difficult and not too easy. How does it work? Everyone begins taking practice problems at their current level of knowledge, and as the questions are mastered, Alphaprep will provide new questions at a more difficult level. The goal is for students to reach exam level difficulty questions and be able to master those questions. This is unmatched by any practice exams on the market today. Who should use Alphaprep? Anyone who wants to take practice tests in exam-like conditions. For anyone who is preparing and needs to practice large amounts of problems, Alphaprep is the tool for them. Each exam has a large database of questions to draw from.How Does the Pass Guarantee Work?
keyboard_arrow_downAnswer:If you purchase a subscription that includes our Pass Guarantee and fail your exam, we will extend your access by the length you originally purchased. The Pass Guarantee provides a one-time only extension. In order to apply the Pass Guarantee, we require simple confirmation that you have not yet passed your exam.What is the "Knowledge Level"? How do I increase my Knowledge Level?
keyboard_arrow_downAnswer:Alphaprep uses Knowledge Level to help students gauge their level of preparedness for the exam. Past survey results have shown that students who reach an Knowledge Level of 7 or higher pass about 90% of the time. The goal of Knowledge Level is to provide you with questions at the correct level of difficulty, so that practice exams and questions are not too difficult or too easy. Knowledge Levels are adjusted based on the score that is earned on practice exams. Thresholds are defined on an exam basis that determines whether a score qualifies for the Knowledge Level to be adjusted. If the score is less than the lower threshold, then the Knowledge Level will be reduced. If the score is above the higher threshold, then the Knowledge Level will be increased. Scores between the low and high thresholds result in the Knowledge Level remaining constant. For most of the exams, the high and low thresholds are 70% and 50%, respectively. There are two things that could disqualify an Alphaprep exam from counting towards your Knowledge Level. Alphaprep will not count an exam toward your Knowledge Level if more than 25% of the questions on the exam have been left unanswered. Second, Alphaprep's topic quizzes cannot count toward your Knowledge Level.What is our refund policy?
keyboard_arrow_downAnswer:Alphaprep has a "no refund" policy for all Alphaprep subscriptions.What are the benefits of Alphaprep?
keyboard_arrow_downAnswer:Customizing Exams: Alphaprep gives you the opportunity to choose the difficulty you want on an exam, this way you take exams at your level so you don’t have to take really easy or really difficult ones. Creating a Quiz: This feature allows you to select a specific topic or section to take a quiz on! Knowledge Level (EL): The goal of Knowledge Level is to provide you with questions at your current level of understanding of the material. Your EL starts off at a 3 and we recommend students getting to a 7 before their exam since 90% of students pass at that level. Discussion Forums: You can post a question about a specific exam problem and get an answer from one of our content managers, authors, and sometimes other students. The forums are monitored regularly and response time during business hours is quick.What Currency is Used for Purchases?
keyboard_arrow_downAnswer:All pricing on our site is in United States Dollars (USD) Alphaprep is not responsible for how your credit card company converts USD to another currency. This site may be helpful to convert currency to USD Currency ConverterDo you offer free trials?
keyboard_arrow_downAnswer:We do offer free trials. To receive one, go to our products page. There are limitations on the free trials, such as, access to all section and videos.How should I study for the exam?
keyboard_arrow_downAnswer:Before you begin studying, make sure to know why you want to become an Cisco certified. Be aware there will be a lot of self-studying. Motivation is required! Creating a study schedule is vital. Our recommendation is to create your schedule based on chapters, leaving the last month before the exam solely for practice/timed exams. It's good to be flexible with your study schedule. Knowing what kind of learner you are is very important. If you like to see theories and problems written out, you are a visual learner. If you like to listen to solutions being explained, you are an auditory learner. For a visual learner, consider using a study manual. For auditory learners, consider video lectures. When using study manuals, make sure you understand the examples. Try to rework them to make sure you understand the underlying concept. Go through each chapter and do some of the end-of-chapter problems to make sure you understand the concepts. This will help you get familiar with the types of questions and also allow you to see the formulas and concepts that can be applied to solve a problem and how you can bring them into the real world. Don’t feel obligated to solve all of the problems at the end of a section. It is important to stay on schedule. For videos, make sure to jot down notes when a new discovery is learned. The advantage to a video is that you can stop and go back if you've missed something. You can also accommodate yourself by pausing the video if you want to study at a slower pace. Also, try to rework the examples presented in the videos to make sure that you fully understand how to solve the examples. Do NOT make video watching a passive learning. Eventually, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the format of the exam so try doing practice problems with a time limit. Then review and rework the problems that you missed. It is critical that you have lots of practice solving exam type problems in exam type conditions. You need to become familiar with the types of questions that you will be asked. To maximize your preparation, make sure to solve a lot of different questions optimize your preparation. Alphaprep meets this goal really well by giving you different types of questions from the question bank. Several authors contribute to the question bank. Go through the exam questions as many times as possible to the extent that you would memorize the content. The goal is to have them come to you naturally when you see a question. During timed exam practice, make sure that you take it as if you are taking an actual exam. When studying, it is also important to take breaks and relax a little. Having a plan from the beginning is key.What should I do a few days before the exam?
keyboard_arrow_downAnswer:Starting a few nights prior to your exam, it is a good idea to cut out sugary drinks and start eating nutritious brain foods such as eggs, peanut butter, vegetables and fruit. A few days before the exam, focus on the concepts you don’t fully comprehend yet and split your time between practice problems and relaxing a bit. Make sure that you are accustomed to the types of questions that will be on the exam and that you feel confident with any question that you may face. Do the full exam under exam conditions, with your approved calculator. This is to make sure that you are comfortable with the real exam. Try to have your Knowledge Level on Alphaprep up to a 7 within a few days of the exam as 90% of students at a level 7 pass their exam. The day before, envision the exam and have confidence. We suggest going to bed a couple hours earlier than usual so you get a good night’s sleep. When you wake up, eat a light, healthy breakfast. Don’t cram anymore material once you get into the exam hall. If you don’t know the material by then, you probably wont and you’ll just make yourself more nervous or confuse yourself with material you do know. The morning of the test: see yourself being successful; it really will make a difference!What are some strategies during the actual exam?
keyboard_arrow_downAnswer:There are so many different exam strategies, but these are some Alphaprep swears by: Right after the exam clock starts, write down any formulas you’re afraid you won’t remember when you’re nervous Split questions into 3 levels: level 1- easy questions, level 2- questions that are doable but may take time, level 3 hard questions that you don’t understand your first read through and don’t know how to solve at all. Do a quick read on all the questions, then work on level 1 questions first, followed by level 2 and lastly level 3. Write down important formulas and summarize questions in mathematical form. Also, since most of the preliminary exams are multiple-choice exams, sometimes plugging in the given answer choices to your workings to identify the correct solution, may be more efficient. When guessing, eliminate answers that are definitely wrong first. During the last 10 minutes of the exam, make sure that you have selected an answer for every problem. The last thing you want to do is work the exam until the last minute and then not have time to guess for questions you didn’t solve. Although doing these things cannot guarantee a passing score, they will without a doubt make the test taking process easier.When does my subscription begin?
keyboard_arrow_downAnswer:Any subscription purchased from Alphaprep begins immediately at the time of purchase. You will receive an activation email with login credentials, and the subscription starts when you receive the activation email.How do I register for another subscription of Alphaprep?
keyboard_arrow_downAnswer:Existing customers can register by logging in, and then simply purchasing a new subscription in our store. All of your account information will be auto populated for you, but we don't store your credit card numbers so you'll still have to enter your payment information.What are the system requirements for the Alphaprep products?
keyboard_arrow_downAnswer:Alphaprep strives to support the latest 2 versions javascript (as well as an internet connection).Why can't I access my study materials from the dashboard?
keyboard_arrow_downAnswer:The most common reason you can't access your materials from the dashboard is because your subscription has already expired. If you have created multiple accounts on the site, you may also want to check that you are logging into the correct account. If you have purchased a subscription recently, but your study materials still haven't appeared on your dashboard, contact us immediately at support@alphaprep.net. Our support staff will make sure you receive access.Why is my credit card being blocked when I try to purchase?
keyboard_arrow_downAnswer:Our merchant account (Stripe) blocks certain regions and yours may be one of them, unfortunately.What browser does Alphaprep recommend?
keyboard_arrow_downAnswer:Alphaprep runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, or any other device with a modern browser. We strive to support the last two versions of every browser release and highly recommend updating to the newest version of whatever browser you are using. If we were to pick one we would recommend Google Chrome. You do NOT need Administrator access to install Google Chrome. Most Corporate environments will allow you to install Google Chrome. We have found that for those that do not, IT departments will regularly allow exceptions to do so.How can I get a copy of my receipt?
keyboard_arrow_downAnswer:We are currently working on the functionality to obtain a detailed receipt from the dashboard. Until that time, if you require a detailed copy of your receipt, please contact our Customer Support Team at support@alphaprep.net. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.What do I do if I get an error message at checkout?
keyboard_arrow_downAnswer:Please do not repeat the transaction; this can result in multiple charges to your credit card. Contact support@alphaprep.net for assistance.Why are my subscriptions not showing up?
keyboard_arrow_downAnswer:If you log into your Alphaprep account and are not able to access any products, usually it's one of these reasons: Your subscription has expired (most common). You've logged in with the wrong e-mail address.Is my information saved if I purchase an additional Alphaprep subscription ("Knowledge Level")?
keyboard_arrow_downAnswer:If you purchase an additional Alphaprep subscription for the same exam, all of your account's exam information (including Knowledge Level, previous exams, and reports) will be saved. If your original subscription is still active your purchase will simply extend your current subscription to the length of your subscription by the amount of the new purchase. If your original subscription has already expired at the time of the purchase, the subscription length will be added to your account immediately. In every case you should have access to what you purchase immediately after you buy it.
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